Monday, December 11, 2006

Parlez vous francais?
I wish I knew what the summaries of these animations were saying...something about a rabbit and crazy guy. Anyway, the videos are...interesting. I like the menu style at the top. I think it's cool in a flickery, shakey kind of way. It's easy to navigate through this page considering the language barrier. I think it's also a webcomic...hmmm, I should've taken french.

I don't even know, man...I don't even know

*sigh*...yeah. The only thing I liked about the page is how the toungues are moving. I think its flash or something. I don't know. This page is whack and the video is whack and the backround is whack and these weird guys are whack...I'm gonna end up watching this show anyways.


Wow...It's an okay site. There's a couple cool games and some animations. I like the Graphics and the whole color scheme. Pretty cool. There's not that much content. A bio page, store, and the animated stuff. The dad n' me game was fun though.

Thursday, December 07, 2006

I wonder if they're in mine...

Awww...they're so-o cute! I want one!
The pics are awesome. There are a bunch of cool links to web comics and other artwork. Some of the the links are dead and that sucks but overall, its a pretty cool site.

If only you could only see...
I really like this page. It has a simple layout but the content is really banging'. The pictures are prety cool. People send this person a title and she draws a picture for it. I think she's awesome for that.

Whoa, the layout is WAY cool. Like really really REALLY cool. Everything does something when srolled over. It's pretty bangin'. Its a page for H.R. Giger and all of his work and stuff. Pretty cool.